Thursday, September 15, 2011


After keeping up with a couple of friends Blogs and in an effort to keep family up-to-date on the going-ons of one William Cameron Baker, I've decided to give this blogging business a try. I can't guarantee it will be a success.

I keep asking myself why now, and I've decided that tomorrow morning at 10:15am the first year of William's life will have past and I've done not a single scrapbook page and have only put in dates and information for his baby book. So I'm hoping I have some better documentation of year two to share with family and friends.

The other thing that's been jumping around in my head is the amazing experiences I've been afforded this last year and how to share them. Not to mention the hopeful conclusion of a 7 year doctoral degree to share. So, here is to the hopes that this blog works for me and of course my family and friends.

Special thanks to Meredith Malnar and Katy King for their inspiration to try to blog.

As for the name selection - Camp Baker, my fish camp used this as their Camp Theme. When Cameron and I created our Flickr account we went with The Bakers 3 but found out that it isn't so easy to change the names once selected so I've decided to move away from The Bakers 3 and to Shake 'N Baker. And no Mother, it does not mean you are getting another grandchild anytime soon. I'll try to make my second post about fish camp (so more to come) and put up a pic of the Shake 'N Baker banner.

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